The music here is very guitar-driven new wave from Japan, reminding me in spots of a somewhat heavier Sad Lovers & Giants despite the rather weak vocals (perhaps a female singer would have been better, especially given the band's name?). If anyone can provide any background information about the band or the label, then it would be very much appreciated. Something tells me the hits in Google for the guitarist's and drummer's names are not the actual bandmembers.
Satin Doll were:
Vox & Guitar: Tetsu Ohya
Guitar: Masato Kikuchi
Bass, YAMAHA DX-7: Yasuyuki Nakagima
Drums: Hiroyuki Shimizu
Go Around & Around 7" (No-sds-001, 1985)
1. Merry-Go-Round
2. La Chanson Des Vieux Amants

Go Around & Around 7"